Dust Mask

3M Brand 8212 for dust and fumes. New air exit valve improves comfort and speaking ease. Always wear one when you are sifting powdered enamels. N95 type.
DM-22 Dust Mask $12.00/each
Copper Tongs
Copper tongs for use in acid solutions. 9 inches long.
K-7 Copper Tongs $12.60 each
Safety Glasses
Comfortable wraparound frame design offers a panoramic view, increases angular coverage and improves peripheral protection. Fits over most prescription eye wear. Filter shade 3.0 lens absorbs 99.9% of harmful UV rays and protects against infrared (IR) radiation. These are low cost and are green in color. You can see around you and still have the protection when firing in the kiln or with a torch.
SG Safety Glasses $18.00 each Unavailable, but looking for a substitute
Heat Resistant Gloves
We no longer carry heat resistant gloves. We suggest you try welding gloves from a local welding supply store or Harbor Freight.